Quality Management
Credits: 2 | Workload: 40 h | Contact time: 20 h | Self study: 20 h | Group size: 25 Participants
Learning outcomes / Competences
The Clinical Leader:
1. can explain framework conditions and objectives for medical and nursing quality management (QM).
2. defines the technical terms and systematics of quality management.
3. analyses the potential interrelation between QM and process management.
4. carries out an application-related process analysis.
5. has a detailed understanding of a hospital’s digital management systems.
6. recognises the interaction of IT systems between the administration and the clinical departments.
7. can identify and describe the connections and interfaces of these systems.
8. can recognise problems in the interaction of these systems.
9. knows the basic data protection measures and can describe IT-system safeguards.
- Terminology of quality and quality management.
- Significance of process orientation, economic effects.
- Quality specifications based on medical associations, including quality targets and quality reports.
- Quality management, risk management in the context of team leading and collaborative working.
- Quality management basics, including cooperation for transparency and quality in the hospital, personal qualification; staff qualification is a relevant basis on which to ensure medical/nursing quality and delegate medical tasks.
- Quality circle (PDCA cycle), continuous improvement process as a relevant element for the ability to improve and change (see also Hospital Management module).
- Basic nursing standards in the hospital, including definition, care levels, care standards.
- Exercises based on a case study, including PDCA cycle (Act, Do, Plan, Check).
- Quality and processes: basic treatment guidelines (e.g. the Medical Association).
- Cross-sectoral treatment paths in integrated care, which only works on the basis of good communication.
- Data on treatment results (outcomes) as part of long-term studies.
- Quality management in connection with evidence-based medicine and health technology assessment during PDCA cycles (quality improvement methodologies).
- Innovations through the Patient Rights Act, risk management and the implementation of CIR systems.
- Quality and process management as basic elements for effective patient treatment, relationships and communication (see also Medical-Economic Control module).
- The objectives of QM and risk management are managed with a view to optimising patient care (patient-focused approach).
Other info
Course Form: Seminars
Participation Requirements: 5 years professional practice as a CL
Exam Form: Multiple Choice
Requirements for the award of credit points: Passed test