Rules of Procedure (RoP) for the Board
of the
European Academy of Clinical Leadership
Art. 1 Introductory provisions
1. The European Association for Senior Hospital Physicians (AEMH) establishes the Board of the European Academy of Clinical Leadership (EACL), hereinafter “the Academy”, in accordance with the provisions of Art. 3 of its Statutes.
2. The EACL Board, hereinafter “the Board”, discusses and approves the matters entrusted to its competence by these Rules of Procedure.
Art. 2 Members
1. The EACL Board consists of 9 (nine) members, equally represented by Academic Staff and European Medical Organisations. A representative of the Academic Staff may be a professor, associate professor or any other distinguished representative of the disciplines in which the Academy carries out its activities, or representatives of other significant scientific, research and other institutions and practitioners.
2. The Board is composed as follows:
a. Two members from AEMH
b. Two members from UEMS
c. One academic (university) expert
d. Two external experts
e. Two EMO representatives
3. The Board may invite non-members to participate, to a specified extent, as observers at board meetings. Observers have a right to speak, but do not have voting rights.
4. EACL Board members are appointed for a period of 3 years, with the possibility of renewal, as follows:
a. Two members from AEMH – appointed by the AEMH president
b. Two members from UEMS – appointed by the UEMS president
c. One academic (university) expert – appointed by the AEMH president, after consulting with the UEMS president
d. Two external experts – appointed by the AEMH president, after consulting with the UEMS president
e. Two EMO representatives – the EMOs are invited by the AEMH and UEMS presidents, and the representatives are subsequently appointed by the respective EMOs.
5. The Chairperson of the EACL board is one of the AEMH representatives or nominees, appointed by the AEMH president, and shall have a tie-breaking vote.
6. The EACL Board is constituted one year after the start of the mandate of the AEMH Executive Committee, with the exception of the first EACL Board, which will be in place until 01.01.2023.
7. If a member wishes to resign, he/she shall have to submit their resignation to the EACL Board Chairperson.
8. The members of the EACL Board may be dismissed by a majority of two thirds of the EACL Board members.
9. If an EACL Board position becomes vacant, the respective position will be filled for the remainder of the mandate using the same procedure for the respective category member.
10. At its first meeting, the Board furthermore elects a deputy chairperson from among its members.
Art. 3 Meetings of the Academic Board
1. The Board of the Academy holds regular as well as unscheduled meetings, in person or online.
2. The regular Board meetings are usually held twice a year.
3. A regular Board meeting is called by the Chairperson of the Board, who also specifies the exact date of the meeting.
4. Board members are invited to regular meetings no later than 15 days prior to the meeting.
5. The invitation to the Board meeting includes the date and place of the meeting, its agenda and supporting documents, and the content which is to be discussed at the meeting.
6. An unscheduled Board meeting is called at the request of at least one third of its members, who shall submit a written request to the Chairperson of the Board. The members may also request that a meeting is convened via an official letter, or they may contact the Chairperson of the Board individually in writing.
7. The Board members requesting that unscheduled Board meeting be convened are obliged to state in their request the reason for the meeting as well as the proposed agenda.
Art. 4 Proceedings and decision-making of the EACL Board
1. The Board has a quorum if at least one half of its members are present.
2. The Board meeting is chaired by the Chairperson of the Board, or, in his/her absence, by the Deputy Chairperson, or, in justified cases, by a person authorised by the Chairperson.
3. After the meeting has been opened, the Board members discuss the individual items on the agenda, as approved in the initial voting based on the invitation and any potential additional proposals.
4. Every member of the Board is entitled to ask questions, make comments, raise objections and propose amendments for voting.
5. The Board meeting minutes are sent in writing to all Board members within 15 days from the date on which the meeting was held.
6. The Board takes decisions with an overall majority of all members present.
7. The working language is English.
Art. 5 Scope of competence of the EACL Board
1. The Board decides on the matters entrusted to its competence in compliance with the provisions of these Rules of Procedures.
2. The competences of the EACL Board include, but are not limited to, the following:
a) strategic plan for the academic activities of the Academy, including assessment guidelines and progress assessment
b) study programmes conducted at the Academy, including programme monitoring, self-evaluation, jury appointment, screening/accepting of applications that fulfil the conditions and certification of successful candidates
c) recognition of the trainee’s portfolio/educational activities and granting a number of “hours”/ECMECs for each such activity
d) assessment of EACCME activities with regards of the relevance for the CL training and, subsequently, their recognition for the trainee’s portfolio
e) necessary ROPs
f) financial management, in consultation with the AEMH treasurer
g) matters entrusted to it by the Academy’s other internal rules
h) urgent matters related to the Academy’s educational and scientific activities
i) promotion of the EACL and its fellows
j) reimbursement of EACL Board member expenses related to EACL activities
k) any other competency, as proposed by internal or external entities and accepted by the EACL Board.
Art. 6 Final Provisions
1. These Rules of Procedure enter into force on ………………. Any decisions to amend the Rules of Procedure may be carried by a majority vote of two thirds of the EACL Board members, where said proposed amendment has been submitted and approved by the AEMH Board no later than fourteen days prior to the meeting at which it is to be considered.