The European Academy of Clinical Leadership (EACL) is an academic body established by the European Association for Senior Hospital Physicians (AEMH) in partnership with (UEMS) and in close collaboration with universities and other European Medical Organisations (EMOs). The Academy is focused on the achievement of the physicians’ continuous development and competency in the field of Clinical Leadership as clinical doctors are, naturally, at the core of clinical leadership activities.
Clinical Leadership is shown through a shared sense of responsibility for the success of the medical organisation and its services; it is not restricted to people who hold designated medical leadership roles. Acts of leadership can come from anyone in the organisation, as appropriate. Nevertheless, we believe physicians are crucial in the Clinical Leadership activities and we place them at the centre of our learning and training activities.
The main body of the EACL is the EACL Board which consists of 9 (nine) members, with an equal representation of Academic Staff and European Medical Organisations. A representative of the Academic Staff may be a professor, associate professor or any other distinguished representative of the disciplines in which the Academy carries out its activities, or representatives of other significant scientific, research and other institutions and practitioners.
The members of the EACL Board are as follows: two members of AEMH, two members of UEMS, one academic (university) expert, two external experts and two representatives of EMOs.
The Board may invite non-members to participate, to a specified extent, as observers in the board meetings.
The EACL Board performs the examinations and grants the certifications to the clinical leaders. It equally provides the curriculum and organises the training activities for young doctors. Function of the training needs, it may punctually appoint external trainers to deliver parts of the curriculum.
It also decides on the EACL budget, mainly on the establishment and modification of the examination fees for clinical leaders as well as the fees of the training programs for young doctors. Since the EACL is currently funded by AEMH, the EACL board must eventually submit its budget for approval to the AEMH board.